Management of external perforating root resorption by intentional replantation followed by Biodentine restoration

Preeti Jain Pruthi, Umesh Dharmani, Ruchika Roongta, Sangeeta Talwar


Resorption of tooth structures can occur as a result of physiological, pathological, and idiopathic

factors. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can prevent its serious complications. This case

report presents surgical endodontic management of a trauma-induced perforating external root

resorption, which was diagnosed with the help of cone beam computed tomography. Following

root canal treatment, intentional replantation of the tooth was performed so as to expose the

opening of the resorption defect to allow for complete debridement and closure. Eighteen months

follow-up showed arrest of root resorption, and progressive healing of the defect.

Key Words: Biodentine, cone-beam computerized tomography, root resorption, sodium trichloroacetate, surgical replantation

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