Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of gingiva: A rare case report

Sunitha Jagaluru Doddanna, Meghanand T. Nayak, Aparna K. Sanath, Mohammad Zanul Abedeen


Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC) is an exceptional, aggressive variant of squamous cell
carcinoma (SCC) because of its unique histological feature and an ominous clinical behavior.
Recently, it has been recognized as a high‑grade SCC. The most preferential site of occurrence
is the upper aerodigestive tract. Because of its aggressive behavior and tendency to metastasize,
BSCCs are considered to have poor prognosis. We present a BSCC case in a 60‑year‑old male,
which was clinically diagnosed as an aggressive inflammatory lesion with a differential diagnosis of
granulomatous lesion, involving the mandibular anterior gingiva. Till now, only 17 cases of BSCC
with gingival involvement have been reported in the literature. Here, we present one additional
case of BSCC involving gingiva.
Key Words: Aggression, basaloid, carcinoma, gingiva, squamous cell

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