Design–computer‑aided manufacturing guided implant‑supported prosthesis in a fibular graft reconstructed mandible: A 7‑year follow‑up of a case

Alka Gupta, Deshraj Jain, Unnati Gedam


Reconstruction of functional occlusion in case of a large surgical defect of the mandible
involving partial mandibulectomy remains a significant challenge to the maxillofacial surgeon and
prosthodontist. Removable appliances and the conventional implant‑supported prosthesis are
precluded in this case due to the absence of normal anatomical contours of the bone. In recent
years, due to the advancement of technology, bone graft reconstruction with computer‑guided
rehabilitation of the functional occlusion has been advocated to reverse the debilitating effects
of the hemimandibulectomy defect. This clinical report describes the prosthodontic management
of fibular graft reconstructed mandible by computer‑aided design–computer‑aided manufacturing
guided implant‑supported prosthesis.
Key Words: Case report, computer‑aided design–computer‑aided manufacturing, dental
prosthesis, implant supported, mandibular reconstruction

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