Antimicrobial properties of glass‑ionomer cement incorporated with zinc oxide nanoparticles against mutans streptococci and lactobacilli under orthodontic bands: An in vivo split‑mouth study

Maryam Shirazi, Fatemeh Fotoohi Qazvini, Saeed Mohamadrezaie


Background: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of incorporation of zinc oxide
nanoparticles (ZnO‑NPs) to glass‑ionomer cement (GIC) (Fuji II SC, GC Corp., Tokyo, Japan) on
subgingival accumulation of mutans streptococci and lactobacilli under orthodontic bands.
Materials and Methods: In order to conduct this in vivo split‑mouth study, 20 patients aged
between 7 and 10 years who required lingual holding arch on their mandibular first molars were
divided into two groups. In one group, Fuji II SC GIC was used for cementation of the right molar
band, and the same cement containing 2 wt% ZnO‑NPs was used for the left one. The opposite was
performed for the second group while the operator was blinded to the cement types. Subgingival
microbial sampling was performed 16 weeks after cementation of lingual arch. Mutans streptococci
and lactobacilli colony counts were compared. Paired t‑test was used to compare the two cement
groups. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21, and P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: The mean colony counts of mutans streptococci, lactobacilli, and total bacterial count
in Fuji II SC containing ZnO‑NPs were significantly lower than the corresponding values in plain
Fuji II SC group.
Conclusion: Incorporation of ZnO‑NPs into GIC reveals antimicrobial features against mutans
streptococci and lactobacilli under orthodontic bands.
Key Words: Antimicrobial agents, glass‑ionomer cement, nanoparticle

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