Management of compromised residual alveolar ridges using hollow denture with three‑dimensional printed spacer and specialized impression technique

Navdeep Singh, Parag Dua, N. Thiruvalluvan, Saurav Kumar, Sonam Yangchen


Impression making in compromised residual alveolar ridge is a regular challenge in rehabilitating
patients with conventional removable complete dentures. In patients who cannot afford
implant‑supported dentures, specialized impression technique is a viable and justified option for
fabrication of complete dentures. More often, the stability of denture in such patients becomes a
deciding factor between failure and success. Furthermore, increased interarch space may result in
increased height of maxillary and/or mandibular dentures with corresponding increase in weight,
which further compromises the retention and stability of the prosthesis. This article describes
an amalgamation of Hobkirk’s impression technique in a case of resorbed maxillary residual
alveolar ridge with a flabby anterior segment and fabrication of hollow maxillary dentures using a
“three‑dimensional printed dental spacer” with a “double‑flask technique.” The weight of the final
prosthesis was reduced therefore contributing to improved retention and stability of the final
Key Words: Double‑flask technique, Hobkirk’s impression techniques, hollow denture, three‑dimensional printed spacer





Navdeep Singh: Pubmed,Google Scholar

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