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Different techniques are used to evaluate the anatomy of root canal system. The present study was aimed to evaluate the root canal morphology of mandibular premolars using clearing and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) techniques.
A total of 182 mandibular first and second premolars were evaluated in vitro using 100 μm CBCT cross sections. The root canal morphology of the teeth was determined based on Vertucci classification in relation to the prevalence of C-shaped canals, lateral canals, and furcation location. Having removed the pulp tissue with NaOCl solution and staining the root canals with India ink, the samples were decalcified with 5% nitric acid and dehydrated with isopropyl alcohol. Finally, the samples were cleared with methyl salicylate. Data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software using McNamara, t-test, and Kappa coefficient.
After Type I, the most frequent morphologies in both first and second premolars were Type V followed by Type IV. The prevalence rates of C-shaped morphology in first premolars using clearing and CBCT were 4.4% and 6.6%, respectively. However, no C-shaped morphology was found in second premolars. The maximum and minimum levels of agreement between the two techniques were observed in Type IV and Type V root canal morphologies, respectively. Extra root canals were identified in 25% and 13% of the first and second premolars, respectively.
CBCT showed a higher accuracy in determining C-shaped root canal morphology than the clearing technique. It also showed the least accuracy in diagnosing lateral root canals.
Successful root canal treatment depends on a thorough knowledge of the root canal system morphology and three-dimensional cleaning, shaping, and obturation based on adequate knowledge about the anatomical variations of root canal system.
Various studies have used different techniques to evaluate the root canal system anatomy. The most commonly used techniques are the clearing technique,
The aims of the present study were to evaluate and compare the anatomical variations of the root canal system in mandibular premolars, including the root canal type based on Vertucci classification, the distance between the furcation and the root apex and the presence of C-shaped and lateral root canals using tooth clearing and CBCT techniques.
In this in vitro study, a sample size of 182 mandibular first and second premolars was determined based on 0.05 alpha errors and 80% power. All of the samples had sound mature apices and were stored in water and 2% thymol iodide (Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany) until sample collection was completed. Then samples were rinsed in water and immersed in 2.5% NaOCl (Golrang, Tehran, Iran) to eliminate all the soft tissue remnants.
To stabilize the teeth for CBCT evaluations, red tape wax was used minimally to prevent interference with radiographic technique. CBCT (Scanora 3D; Soredex, Tuusula, Finland) unit was used to evaluate root canal morphology under the exposure conditions of mA = 6 and kVp = 89. Galileos software (SIDEXIS XG, Sirona dental X-ray imaging system version 3.7) was used with 100 μm thick cross sections for evaluation at different cross sections. The samples were evaluated in three different sagittal, coronal, and axial cross sections. All the three cross sections were used to evaluate the number of root canals, the root canal system anatomy, and the presence of lateral root canals. The coronal cross section was used to determine the distance of furcation to apex. The coronal and axial cross sections were used to determine the presence of C-shaped canals. All CBCT images were evaluated by a radiologist.
To carry out the tooth clearing procedures, first, a diamond fissure bur (DiaSwiss FG; Geneve, Switzerland) was used in a high-speed hand piece (NSK, Nakanishi, Japan) under water spray to prepare standard access cavities by one operator. The pulp chamber floor was evaluated by a DG 16 endodontic explorer (Ash Instruments, Dentsply, Gloucester, UK) to identify root canal orifices. However, files or barbed broaches were not used to avoid manipulation of the root canals, and only root canal irrigation was carried out. Then, the samples were separately immersed in 5.25% NaOCl solution (Golrang, Tehran, Iran) for 48 h to eliminate the remaining organic debris and pulp tissue remnants. Next, the teeth were rinsed under running water for 20 min to remove all the debris from the root canals, followed by 24 h of storage for complete drying. The teeth should be completely dry for penetration of dye during such procedures.
A 27-gauge needle in a syringe was used to inject India ink (Calder Colours Ltd., Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicester, UK) into the root canal orifices until the dye was visible in the apical area or at the apical foramen. Then, the samples were stored for 24 h for the dye to dry. Next, the teeth were immersed in 5% nitric acid (Kiankaveazma, Tehran, Iran) for 72 h for complete decalcification at room temperature. The acidic solution was refreshed every day because the demineralization process occurs predominantly on the surface of the acid. To ensure the completion of decalcification process, one sample underwent a radiographic examination. At the end of this stage, the teeth were rinsed to eliminate the residual acid and were then dried. Isopropyl alcohol (Ararat, Tehran, Iran) was used at increasing concentrations (80%, 90%, and 100%) to dehydrate the tooth samples. The samples were stored in each solution for 24 h. This step was important for penetration of clearing agents into the next stage. After the samples were completely dried, they were immersed in 2% methyl salicylate solution (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) until they became completely clear so that the root canal system was visible with the naked eye. After clearing the samples, they were evaluated under a stereomicroscope (Zeiss Stemi 2000-C; Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH, Germany) at ×4 magnification. The number of root canals and the root canal system morphology based on Vertucci classification, the distance between the furcation and the root apex, the presence of lateral canals, and the prevalence of C-shaped canals were evaluated.
Data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) using McNamara, t-test, and Kappa coefficient. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
The most frequent morphologies in both first and second premolars were Type I followed by Type V and IV
Images of same tooth using cone beam computed tomography and clearing technique depicting morphology, (a): Type V. (b) Type IV based on Vertucci
The prevalence rates of C-shaped morphology in first premolars using clearing and CBCT were 4.4% and 6.6%, respectively, and no C-shaped morphology found in second premolars
The mean distances from the furcation to the root apex were 3.26 and 4.14 mm by clearing and CBCT techniques, respectively.
Overall, 25 teeth (13.7%) had lateral canals using clearing technique, and 9 teeth (4.9%) had lateral canals by CBCT technique (Kappa = 0.493).
Proper knowledge about the root canal morphology is necessary for successful root canal treatment. The clinician should always be aware that there may be two root canals in one root or two apical foramina in one root canal.
Based on the results of the present study, 24% and 12% of the teeth in mandibular first and second premolars had morphologic types other than Type I, Type V being the most prevalent. In a study on an Iranian population, the prevalence of Type I (72%) was reported to be similar to the results of the present study, but in the second premolars, the prevalence of Type I was 75%, which was lower than the results of the present study.
In a study on first premolars of an Iranian population, Khedmat et al.
In addition, the results of the present study are consistent with those of a study by Cleghorn et al.
No comprehensive study has been carried out to date on Iranian populations. Apparently, the present study showed a slightly higher prevalence rate for the teeth with more than one root canal. In particular, Type IV morphology in first premolars and Type V morphology in second premolars were more prevalent.
Rahimi et al.
The results of the present study are consistent with those of a study by Lu et al.,
The prevalence of lateral canals in the second premolars in the study by Rahimi et al.
C-shaped canals are easily diagnosed in the axial views of CBCT technique. The least agreement rate between these two techniques is related to the diagnosis of lateral canals. The Voxel size of the CBCT unit used was 100 μm, equal to the size of a #10 file; the lateral canals might be smaller than this size. Therefore, they were not diagnosed in many cases. Use of micro-CT might be useful in such cases.
It is very difficult to completely debride Type V and C-shaped canals. In such cases, extending the access cavity in the buccolingual direction may produce a more straight access to the root canal system. In addition, extra flaring is recommended in the coronal and middle thirds. Use of a microscope, debridement with the use of sonic and ultrasonic devices and thermoplastic obturation technique are proper techniques to achieve positive results in the endodontic treatment of such complex cases.
The highest agreement rate between the two techniques for the diagnosis of root canal morphologies was related to Type IV, with the lowest in Type V. CBCT exhibited a higher accuracy than clearing technique in the diagnosis of C-shaped morphology. However, it exhibited a lower accuracy in diagnosis of lateral canals.
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The authors of this manuscript declare that they have no conflicts of interest, real or perceived, financial or nonfinancial in this article.