Biomechanical and radiological assessment of immediate implants for alveolar ridge preservation

Ali Al Qabbani, Sausan Al Kawas, Hamid Enezei, Noor Hayati A. Razak, Saad Wahby Al Bayatti, A. Rani Samsudin, Suzina A. B. Hamid


Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of immediate implant placement
for alveolar bone augmentation and preservation with bovine bone graft following atraumatic
tooth extraction.
Materials and Methods: This was a prospective interventional study with convenient
sampling (n = 10). Thirty patients aged between 18 and 40 years, who needed noncomplicated tooth
extraction of mandibular premolar tooth, were sequentially divided equally into three groups. In
Group I, simple extraction was done and the empty extraction socket left to heal conventionally. In
Group II, extraction sockets were filled with lyophilized bovine granules only. In Group III, immediate
implants were placed into extraction sockets, and the buccal gap was also filled with bovine granules.
All groups were subjected to cone beam computed tomography scan for radiological evaluation.
Assessment of biomechanical stability (radiofrequency analysis [RFA] was performed at 9 months
postoperative for Group III to assess the degree of secondary stability of the implants using Osstell.
Repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was applied when comparing within each
group at three different time intervals, whereas one‑way ANOVA was applied followed by post
hoc‑tukey test when comparing between groups. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Results: Radiological assessment reveals a significant difference of bone resorption in alveolar
dimension within Group I; 1.49 mm (P = 0.002), and 0.82 mm (P = 0.005), respectively, between
day 0 and 3 months. Comparison between Group I and III showed a highly significant difference
of bone resorption in ridge width at 3 months 2.56 mm (P = 0.001) and at 9 months interval
3.2 mm (P < 0.001). High RFA values demonstrating an excellent biomechanical stability were
observed in Group III at 9 months postoperatively.
Conclusion: The insertion of immediate implants in extraction sockets with bovine bone
augmentation of the buccal gap was able to preserve a greater amount of alveolar ridge volume.
Key Words: Cone beam computed tomography, Immediate Dental Implant Loading, ridge,

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