Comparison of color stability and fracture resistance of two temporary fiber‑reinforced fixed partial denture materials

Ramin Mosharraf, Pirouz Givehchian, Farzin Ansaripour


Background: Temporary crown and bridge materials have to fulfill a couple of important functions
within the timeframe between tooth preparations until luting of the definitive restoration. The aim of
the current study was to evaluate the color stability and fracture resistance of two fiber‑reinforced
provisional fixed partial denture (FPD) materials.
Materials and Methods: In this in vitro study Using a plexiglass mold, 96 bar‑shaped
specimens (4 mm × 2 mm × 20 mm) were fabricated and divided into four groups (n = 24):
nonreinforced composite (NRC) resin, glass fiber‑reinforced composite resin (RC), nonreinforced
polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), and glass fiber‑reinforced PMMA. Values of CIEL*a*b* were
recorded for all the samples. Then, the samples were immersed in coffee, chlorhexidine mouthrinse,
and distilled water. After 1 day and 1 and 4 weeks, CIEL*a*b* values were recorded again and color
differences (ΔE) were calculated. All the specimens immersed in distilled water were then subjected
to force to measure their fracture resistance. Data were analyzed with one‑way ANOVA, honestly
significant difference Tukey tests, and paired t‑test (α = 0.05).
Results: The NRC group, immersed in coffee for 1 month, exhibited the highest ΔE (17.1 ± 0.69)
and the lowest ΔE belonged to the RC group immersed in water for 1 day. The RC group, immersed
in water, exhibited the highest fracture resistance.
Conclusion: Coffee is considered as one of the most important factors affecting color changes in
provisional FPDs, either in composite resins or in PMMAs. Fracture resistance of both composite
resin and PMMA FPDs revealed no significant differences between the groups; however, there
were significant differences between the nonreinforced and fiber‑reinforced FPDs in both groups.
Key Words: Acrylic resins, color, composite resins, fiberglass, fixed partial denture

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