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Crouzon syndrome is defined as premature closure of one or more cranial sutures due to the mutation in fibroblast growth factor receptor-2 gene with the autosomal dominant trait,
The management of patients with Crouzon syndrome has two stages; in the first early stage, patients undergo cranial surgery for releasing the prematurely closed sutures usually at the age of 3 to 6 months and based on increased levels of intracranial pressure (ICP). In the second stage, craniofacial reconstructive surgery is done to correct the midface deficiency and subsequent Class III malocclusion, to decrease the scleral show and other anomalies in need of surgery.
Besides the physical problems, quality of life in patients with Crouzon syndrome is highly affected, and as a result, all these problems have negative effects on patients' self-confidence and social relationships; therefore, early correction of craniofacial problems can improve patients' quality of life.
Modified LeFort III osteotomy is one of the treatment modalities that can be used for proper resolution in adult patients. Historically, the first successful results for correction of midface deficiency using this technique were achieved by Tessier. It can be a good choice of treatment in conditions when the nasomaxillary complex is not involved.
The present case report study aims to describe a patient with midface deficiency due to the Crouzon syndrome who was undergone modified LeFort III osteotomy with a periocular approach, nasal dorsum augmentation, and LeFort I osteotomy accompanied by genioplasty, wholly as a single surgical procedure.
The case reported in this study was a 21-year-old female patient complaining of difficulty in chewing and extreme scleral show of the eyes. Clinical examination showed severe deficiency in the midface area and lower rim of the orbits and subsequently severe exophthalmos. No digital deformity was noted and contour of the forehead was within the normal range, but there was a decrease in the nasofrontal angle which became exacerbated after the modified LeFort III osteotomy procedure. The length of the upper lip was 21 mm. Incisor show was 1 mm at rest and 6 mm at smile Preoperative photography (a) Inferior view, (b and c) frontal lip closed and smile views, (d) Superior view, (e and f) Right oblique lip closed and smile views, (g and h) Left oblique smile and lip closed views, (i and j) Right profile lip closed and smile views, (k and l) Left profile smile and lip closed views; Presurgical intraoral photography. (m) Right, (n) Left, and (o) Frontal views of the occlusion. Radiographic evaluation(a) preoperative PA cephalometric evaluation, (b) postoperative PA cephalometric evaluation, and(c) preoperative lateral cephalometric evaluation, (d) postoperative lateral cephalometric evaluation, (e) preoperative panoramic view, (f) postoperative panoramic view. Note that the copper beaten skull appearance is obvious in lateral and anteroposterior cephalometric evaluation because of the raised intracranial pressure.
Treatment planning was performed based on the patient's chief complaint and severity of the problems as follows:
Modified LeFort III osteotomy to resolve the midface deficiency not involving nasomaxillary complex Iliac crest bone grafting for zygomatic gap LeFort I osteotomy for maxillary advancement Nasal dorsum augmentation using iliac crest bone graft Advancement genioplasty for correction of severely deficient chin.
Modified LeFort III osteotomy
This study followed the Declaration of Helsinki on medical protocol and ethics, and in informed consent was obtained from the patient. Since no experimentation was performed, we did not require any approval by the Regional Ethical Review Board. After nasotracheal intubation which was secured to the membranous septum and columella by sutures; draping was done. For subtarsal incision with lateral extension approach, 3–5 mm inferior to the gray line of the lower eyelid, an inferior palpebral crease was found and marked and extended to crow's-feet wrinkle in the lateral orbit. One cc of 2% lidocaine with 1:80,000 epinephrine was injected into the marked incision line on each side. Subperiosteal dissection was performed considering not detaching the medial canthus and preserving the facial nerve in the periorbital area. The osteotomy was initiated just 5 mm lateral to the lacrimal crest, continued inferiorly just below the inferior turbinate of the nasal cavity. Then, continued horizontally to terminate in the piriform rim using a guard osteotome to perform 2.5 cm anteroposterior osteotomy in the lateral wall of the nose. The horizontal part of the osteotomy line was continued in the inferior wall of the orbit and approximately 1 cm posterior to the inferior rim toward the lateral rim. Just before reaching the lateral canthal tendon of the globe, osteotomy was continued anteriorly while half of the lateral rim of the orbit and the lateral orbital wall was involved. Moreover, finally, the body of the zygomatic bone was osteotomized vertically to the lower limit of the zygomatic buttress. An intraoral approach, maxillary vestibular mucosa was anesthetized with the same agent and a typical vestibular incision was made from tooth #3 to #14 and 5 mm superior to mucogingival junction aiming to access to the pterygoid plates behind the tuberosity area. After preserving the maxillary artery in the vestibular area by subperiosteal dissection; first of all, the osteotomy line in the nasal area was checked and completed if necessary. After that, osteotomy of the pterygoid plates was performed using a 10 mm curved osteotome; continued in the superior-anterior direction to reach the inferior orbital fissure and separate the posterior wall of the maxilla. Finally, the complete release of the midface from the skull base was performed using disimpaction row forceps and 7 mm advancement of the maxilla was done. Then, the separated segment was stabilized using an intermediate surgical splint and intermaxillary fixation and a mono-cortical bone graft harvested from the iliac crest was used to fill the gap in zygomatic area, and finally, rigid fixation was done using mini plates Modified Le-Fort III osteotomy(a) Osteotomy lines, (b) Subtarsal incision, (c and d) Priauricular osteotomies, (e and f) vestibular incision and initial stabilization with intermediate surgical splint and intermaxillary fixation, (g and h) profile and inferior views immediately after initial fixation, and (i) rigid fixation of the bone graft.
LeFort I osteotomy
After osteotomy was performed beginning from the tuberosity area, continued in a parallel direction to the occlusal plane and terminated at the piriform rim; considering pterygomaxillary disjunction just performed in modified LeFort III procedure, 4 mm advancement was performed. The final positioning of the maxillary segment was done using the final surgical wafer with rigid fixation using mini plates.
Nasal dorsum augmentation
Nasal dorsum augmentation was done using a closed approach by left intercartilaginous incision. Supraperichondreal and subperiosteal dissection were done and a 15 mm × 5 mm × 4 mm iliac crest bone graft harvested primarily for LeFort III osteotomy was used for augmentation.
Advancement genioplasty
Advancement genioplasty using the jumping technique was done due to the severe deficiency of the chin. After making a vestibular incision and subperiosteal dissection in the mandibular vestibule, osteotomy and 9 mm advancement of the segment was done. Final rigid fixation was performed using triple cortex screws.
Postoperative evaluation
The postoperative phase of orthodontic treatment was finalized aiming to achieve maximum interdigitation and optimum occlusion Postoperative photography(a) Inferior view, (b and c) Right frontal lip closed and smile views, (d) Superior view, (e and f) Right oblique lip closed and smile views, (g and h) Left oblique smile and lip closed views, (i and j) Right profile lip closed and smile views, (k and l) Left profile smile and lip closed views; Postsurgical intraoral photography. (m) Right, (n) Left, and(o) Frontal views of the occlusion. Cephalometric tracing superimposition on skull base showing obvious improvement in the occlusal relationship and skeletal discrepancy as well as soft-tissue parameters. (white lines for preoperative tracing and red lines for postoperative one). Slight mandibular forward rotation is noted in condylar and dental areas.
Management of patients with craniosynostosis syndromes should be with a multidisciplinary approach. As noted previously, surgical management of Crouzon patients is a two-stage procedure leading to the improvement of the facial aesthetic as well as psychosocial aspects of the patient's life. Ideally, surgical reconstruction of the midface should be done in permanent dentition between the age group of 13–21 years following a comprehensive phase of orthodontic treatment, but if there are high levels of skeletal imbalance, then surgical intervention may be postponed to later ages.
Some authors have recommended that LeFort III distraction osteogenesis (DO) can be considered as a reliable treatment modality for these patients due to the stable results and minimum risk of relapse and low rate of minor distraction-related complications.
In another case report study performed by Mohammadi et al., it is reported that severe midface deficiency in an adult patient with Crouzon syndrome was improved by modified LeFort III osteotomy solely and without previous orthodontic treatment due to the low socioeconomic status of the patient.
Finally, selection between “the modified LeFort III osteotomy with subtarsal approach accompanied by closed-approach nasal dorsum augmentation” and “total LeFort III osteotomy with the coronal approach,” depends on the surgeon's preference and the former approach may be preferred to the coronal one due to the less complication and discomfort for the patient following extensive flap elevation in the coronal area.
Since many of patients with Crouzon syndrome are seeking treatment in older ages when they are missed for multidisciplinary management and DO technique in proper timing, osteotomy technique accompanied by other indicated procedures like LeFort I osteotomy, nasal dorsum augmentation, and genioplasty can result in highly successful outcomes both for patient and surgeon as well as many positive effects on patient's self-confidence and social aspect of his/her life; thus, such an approach is highly recommended, especially if the patient is financially affordable.
Declaration of patient consent
The authors certify that they have obtained all appropriate patient consent forms. In the form, the patient has given her consent for her images and other clinical information to be reported in the journal. The patient understand that name and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal identity, but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.