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This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
In endodontics, glide path creation has been extensively considered a mandatory clinical step to improve the safety and efficiency of rotary nickel–titanium instruments. The high anatomic variations in the mesiobuccal (MB) root of the maxillary molars are observed in the form of canal configuration, number, and position.The aim of this study was to evaluate the negotiability of MB canals in maxillary molars using different pathfiling systems (ProGlider, R-pilot, HyFlex electrical discharge machining [EDM], WaveOne Gold Glider, and C-Pilot).
This in vitro study included 125 maxillary first molars with closed apex. Before preparation, all teeth were scanned by periapical radiograph for review of the presence of second MB (MB2) canals, without any resorption or calcification, and moderate curve of MB root canal. Subsequently, the access cavity was prepared with a Diamond Fissure Bur. Then, the samples were divided into five groups (ProGlider, R-pilot, HyFlex EDM, WaveOne Gold Glider, and C-Pilot). Certain relevant indices were recorded for analysis, such as the negotiability of the glide path file in the MB canals, file fracture rate, and negotiation speed. The level of significance P value was set at 0.05.
In this study, HyFlex EDM was the only path file that could not reach the full working length (WL) in some cases. The highest frequency of file fracture in the MB2 was observed with HyFlex EDM (24%); nevertheless, R-Pilot presented an intermediate fracture rate (16%), and both ProGlider and WaveOne Gold Glider were the safest files (4%) in this regard. However, there were no significant differences between the groups (P = 0.065). The lowest and the highest average time of reaching full WL was observed with WaveOne Gold Glider and HyFlex EDM; nonetheless, there was no significant difference between the four rotary groups. The average number of pecks in HyFlex EDM was significantly higher in comparison to those reported for WaveOne Gold Glider and ProGlider.
Path files used for glide path preparation in the MB2 canals of maxillary molars should be flexible with low taper. The use of HyFlex EDM in the MB2 canals is not recommended due to its high taper.
Cleaning, disinfecting, and filling the root canal system are regarded as the targets of root canal treatment.
Today, different types of single- and multiple-file rotary systems have been proposed for the preparation of glide path procedures. ProGlider is a single-file glide path solution manufactured by machining an M-Wire alloy. ProGlider has a progressive taper (range: 2%–8%). Geometrically, its cross-section has a square shape with four cutting edges, and its tip has a diameter of 0.16 mm. Enlarging the coronal portion of the canal is possible due to the variable taper design of ProGlider. This feature also allows larger files to be utilized in the canal.
HyFlex electrical discharge machining (EDM) is the 5
th-generation of Ni-Ti rotary endodontic files and the first file system equipped with controlled memory to benefit from EDM. Previous studies have reported that using EDM will result in a crater-like appearance and enhance cyclic fatigue resistance.
The Ni-Ti glide path file used in reciprocating motion and manufactured with M-Wire alloy is R-Pilot with geometric properties, including an S-shaped cross-section, tip diameter of 0.125 mm, and 4% fixed taper.
The high anatomic variations in the mesiobuccal (MB) root of the maxillary molars are observed in the form of canal configuration, number, and position. Scouting and negotiating the second MB (MB2) canal, a narrow, curved, and intricate root canal, is challenging once it is located. According to the literature, about 96% of the maxillary molars have MB2 canals; however, the standard techniques using a small hand file, even if using an operating microscope, can successfully negotiate <80% of them.
The protocol of this in vitro study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran (IR.MUMS.DENTISTRY.REC.1398.053). In the first step, to determine if the teeth met the inclusion criteria, preoperative radiographs (Eastman Kodak, Anaheim, CA, USA) were taken. A total of 125 first maxillary molars that met the criteria were used in this study. The inclusion criterion used in this study was that the Schniederhs technique
To disinfect the teeth, they were stored in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 48 h.
The MB2 canals with the possibility to be negotiated without any resistance up to the apex with #8 K-file (or larger) and MB1 with #15 K-file (or larger) were not considered in the present study; therefore, no bias was caused by the initial canal width. The five experimental groups containing 25 canals, each for glide path enlargement, were randomly assigned by the molars. During the instrumentation, 5% NaOCl (Niclor 5, OGNA, Muggio, Italy) was used to fill the pulp chamber. In addition, GlydeTM (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) was employed for lubrication. In the next step, according to the manufacturer instructions, ProGlider (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), R-Pilot (VDW, Munich, Germany), HyFlex EDM (Coltene/Whaledent, Switzerland), and WaveOne Gold Glider (Dentsply Maillefer, Switzerland) were utilized for the preparation of the glide path in each group. Furthermore, a single group was taken into account as a hand C-file control group. The stainless steel C-file (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) of sizes 6–15 with a watch-winding motion was employed to prepare the manual glide path in the selected control group. Then, as the stainless steel was engaged, it was coronally moved as long as it reached the full WL.
A contra-angle handpiece (Sirona, Bensheim, Germany) supplied by an electric motor (VDW Silver, VDW, Munich, Germany) was used to drive the mechanical instrument. After each three pecking motions, the instruments were cleaned. Subsequently, the irrigation of the root canal was carried out using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite between each preparation step. Reaching full WL (RFWL) was attempted in all the groups until resistance was encountered and the autoreverse mode of the motor was automatically triggered, preventing the instrument from being introduced to any further fracture.
The number of pecking motions and required time for the glide path were recorded. The stopwatch started and stopped at the entry point of the canal and instrument retrieval point. The time taken to perform the functions, including changing files, cleaning debris from instrument flutes, irrigating, recapitulating, and re-irrigating the canal, was not recorded.
Statistical analysis
For each group, both mean and standard deviation were calculated. Then, three tests, including the Chi-square, analysis of variance, and Kruskal–Wallis test, were used to statistically compare the data.
The results are provided in three parts, including the examination of the variables related to the MB2 canal listed in
Examination of variables related to the second mesiobuccal canal
Reaching full working length in the second mesiobuccal canal
Out of 125 samples, NRFWL occurred in four samples (3.2%). All of these four samples were related to the HyFlex EDM file. The file RFWL rate had a significant difference in the MB2 canal among the groups.
File fracture rate in the second mesiobuccal canal
Out of 125 samples, the fracture occurred in 13 samples (10.4%). The frequency of maximum fracture was related to HyFlex EDM (n = 6), followed by R-Pilot (n = 4). All of the remaining files had a single-file fracture.
Reaching full working length speed in the second mesiobuccal canal
The maximum and minimum of the recorded mean time were related to the C-Pilot and WaveOne Gold Glider groups, respectively. There was a significant difference between the groups in terms of mean time. A pairwise comparison of the groups revealed that the average time in the C-Pilot group was significantly higher than that reported for other groups; however, no significant difference was observed among the other groups. The maximum and minimum numbers of mean recorded pecks were related to the HyFlex EDM and WaveOne Gold Glider, respectively. The average number of pecks in the HyFlex EDM group was significantly higher than that reported for the WaveOne Gold Glider and ProGlider groups. Nevertheless, there was no significant difference among the other groups.
Comparison of variables related to the first mesiobuccal canal among the groups
The file RFWL rate, file fracture frequency, and average time and number of pecks in the MB1 canals are listed in
Comparison of variables between first mesiobuccal and second mesiobuccal canals
The average time and number of pecks in the MB2 canal were significantly higher than those of the MB1 canal. In the HyFlex EDM group, the number of file fractures was significantly higher than that reported for the MB1 canal. In addition, the number of fractures in the MB2 canal was generally higher than that reported for the MB1 canal despite the group type.
In this study, the NRFWL was observed in four cases (3.2%), out of 125 cases, in the HyFlex EDM and MB2 canals; however, in the MB1 canal, the NRFWL was not observed in the groups. The reason for this may be attributed to the specific design of HyFlex EDM, including high and constant taper (5%), compared to those of other systems. In the narrow canals, such as the MB2 canals of the maxillary molars, this can increase contact surface with canal walls and resistance against the RFWL.
In most cases, unlike the distobuccal and palatal root, the MB root of maxillary first molars indicates more variations in the number, position, and shape of the canal. The possibility of the presence of MB2 is high (96%).
The results obtained for the fracture rate in the MB2 canals revealed that the maximum fracture frequency of the files occurred in the HyFlex EDM file (24%), followed by R-Pilot (16%). On the other hand, WaveOne Gold Glider and ProGlider were safer (in terms of fracture frequency) and each one had a failure rate of 4%. According to the Fisher exact test, there was no significant difference between the obtained results; however, it was close to the significance level (P = 0.065), which can be clinically important.
The lower fracture rates of the WaveOne Gold Glider and ProGlider files may be due to their progressive and varying tapers. Moreover, the lower constant taper (4%) of R-Pilot, in addition to its smaller tip size (0.1 mm), compared to that of HyFlex EDM (with a constant taper of 5% and tip size of 0.125 mm), can also provide a description for the lower fracture rate of R-Pilot than that of HyFlex EDM in the MB2 canal. When the file reaches the WL, it undergoes stress with two main factors, including taper lock and cyclic fatigue.
On the other hand, file fracture occurred in only 2.4% of the MB1 canals (a single case for each of the HyFlex EDM, R-Pilot, and ProGlider files), which was significantly less than that reported in the MB2 canals. Moreover, in the HyFlex EDM group, the fractures in the MB2 canal were significantly higher than those of the MB1 canal. Therefore, it can be deduced that utilizing the HyFlex EDM file in the MB1 canal, unlike MB2, can be safe.
In terms of speed for RFWL of files in the MB2 canal, the minimum and maximum of the mean recorded time were related to WaveOne Gold Glider and HyFlex EDM, respectively. This difference can be attributed to the high constant taper (5%) of HyFlex EDM. There was no significant difference between HyFlex EDM and R-Pilot (with a constant taper of 4%); however, the number of pecks increased in comparison to those reported for the other two files (with a varying taper). In the MB1 canal, the maximum and minimum of mean recorded time and number of pecks were related to the HyFlex EDM and WaveOne Gold Glider groups, respectively. The average number of pecks in the HyFlex EDM group was significantly higher than those of the WaveOne Gold Glider and ProGlider groups. Again, this finding can reveal that the files with varying tapers were more appropriate than the files with constant and high tapers in terms of negotiating fine canals.
Similar results were obtained in a study carried out by Vorster et al.
In the present study, all the file fractures in the MB1 canal were located in the apical one-third region. In the MB2 canal, fractures mostly belonged to the apical one-third region. In studies carried out by Kırıcı and Kuştarcı
In 2008, Yared
Moreover, an evaluation of the three R-Pilot, HyFlex EDM, and PathFile files in the simulated canals was carried out by Uslu et al.
According to the results of the present study, the files used for providing a glide path in the MB2 canals should be flexible and have no high taper. Gold Wire Technology in WaveOne Gold Glider and M-Wire alloy in ProGlider lead to higher flexibility and higher cyclic fatigue resistance. Furthermore, the progressive varying taper design indicates a lower possibility for the occurrence of a taper lock. As a result, these files are more appropriate for narrow canals, such as MB2. The fracture rate of HyFlex EDM in the MB2 canals was significantly higher than that reported for the MB1 canals. Therefore, to create a glide path in the MB2 canals, it is recommended not to utilize HyFlex EDM (due to high taper). The speed for providing the glide path in the MB1 canals was higher than that of the MB2 canals. It seems that the motion nature (i.e., reciprocal and rotary) has a negligible effect on the MB canals. It could be concluded that the anatomical condition of the canal (in terms of calcification, curvature, and narrowness) is an essential factor for file selection. In addition, it can even have a more critical effect than the file type (regarding alloy type, file motion, and design) on the examined parameters.
This study was supported by a grant from the Vice Chancellor of the Research Council of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran. The results presented in this study have been taken from a student thesis (No. 3210) in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.
Financial support and sponsorship
This study was supported by a grant from the Vice Chancellor of the Research Council of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
Conflicts of interest
The authors of this manuscript declare that they have no conflicts of interest, real or perceived, financial or nonfinancial in this article.