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Stresses on prosthetic crown directly influences the survival rate of implants hence it should be considered while selecting prosthetic material.
A numerical procedure based on finite element method was adopted to investigate the influence of different prosthetic materials and abutment materials on stress situation. Eight different three-dimensional (3D) models of a bone-level implant system and an abutment were created by using the standard tessellation language (STL) data of original implant components. Combinations included of abutment materials i.e., Titanium (Ti), Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), Polyetherketoneketone (PEKK), Polymer infilterated hybrid ceramic (TZI) along with different restoration materials Monolithic Zirconia (MZ) and lithium disilicate glass ceramic (IPS e-max). In each model, the implants were loaded obliquely (150 N). The stress distribution in the implant, Abutment and peripheral bone was evaluated through the von Mises stress analysis.
Higher stresses were found on neck of implants irrespective of abutment material and restorative material. Highest stress was found with PEEK material. The pattern of stress distribution in implant and peripheral bone was similar in all models.
There is no difference in stresses with the change in restorative material but the change in abutment material has effect on stresses on implants.
Implant-supported prosthesis has become the treatment modality of choice for patients with missing teeth because of mechanical, biological, and esthetic advantages. The biomechanical behavior of implants is different from natural teeth due to the absence of periodontal ligament. The lack of periodontal ligament causes the occlusal forces to be directly transferred to the implant and surrounding bone in implant-supported dental prostheses. Biologically, this direct stress transfer could lead to bone loss in the peri-implant region. This would impact the long-term clinical success of the implant prosthesis.
Titanium (Ti) and its alloys have been the gold standard in abutment materials because of their favorable mechanical properties.
PEKK is a methacrylate-free thermoplastic high-performance polymeric material.
Resin-matrix ceramics are composed of a highly filled organic matrix in an inorganic refractory material consisting of porcelain, glasses, and ceramics, followed by polymerization. Resin-matrix ceramics were introduced in dentistry because of the modulus of elasticity which is similar to dentin and their ease of milling by computer-aided design/computer-aided machining (CAD/CAM). These materials can be subcategorized based on the method of incorporation of ceramic into the polymer matrix as polymer-infused ceramic and resin nanoceramic.
Regarding prosthetic crown materials, all ceramics are the material of choice in today's dental practice. Zirconia-based restorations have attained popularity because of their high esthetic potential and great biocompatibility. Zirconium dioxide has been a satisfactory material for implant-supported restoration for the last 10 years, but the most common failure is chipping of overlaying porcelain.
Three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA) is a method to evaluate stress distributions in complex geometries such as implant-bone interfaces.
A numerical procedure based on the finite element method was adopted to investigate the influence of different prosthetic materials and abutment materials on stress situations.
Finite element model
A Ti bone-level implant (AlphaBio 4.1 mm × 12 mm) was scanned along with Ti screw and standard Ti abutment to generate a standard tessellation language file for model formation. A 3D finite element model was created to simulate a Ti bone-level implant in the mandibular premolar region with 2-mm thick cortical bone. Abutment materials chosen for the study were Ti, PEEK, PEKK, and resin-matrix ceramics (VTE) (VITA ENAMIC), while prosthetic crown materials chosen were MZ and lithium disilicate (IPS e-max)
Eight different models were created to simulate different combinations of abutment materials and crown materials. Models were created with the help of Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus of elasticity for the materials given in the literature
FEA uses a complex system of points (nodes) and elements, which make a grid called mesh. The model in the present study consisted of 27,500 elements and 59,000 nodes. The mesh was programmed to contain the material and structural properties such as elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio, which define how the structure will react to certain loading conditions. Stress analysis was done using the structural stress analysis software program, ANSYS (Ansys, Inc.).
Loading and boundary conditions
The stress analysis was carried out by applying loads of 150 N (30°) of oblique load on the central fossa of the mandibular second premolar
Schematic diagram showing loading condition on model.
Various materials used in abutments and crown materials influenced the stress transfer at the abutment, implant, and peripheral bone. The stress patterns of each model are presented in
Stress at abutment: (a Ti-MZ, (b) Ti-IPS, (c) PEEK-MZ, (d) PEEK-IPS, (e) PEKK-MZ, (f) PEKK-IPS, (g) VTE-MZ, (h) VTE-IPS. TI: Titanium; MZ: Monolithic zirconia; PEEK: Polyether ether ketone; PEKK: Polyetherketoneketone; Represents IPS e-max- Brand name for E-max crowns, VTE-Vita enamic. Stress at cortical bone: (a) Ti-MZ, (b) Ti-IPS, (c) PEEK-MZ, (d) PEEK-IPS, (e) PEKK-MZ, (f) PEKK-IPS, (g) VTE-MZ, (h) VTE-IPS. TI: Titanium; MZ: Monolithic zirconia; PEEK: Polyether ether ketone; PEKK: Polyetherketoneketone; Represents IPS e-max- Brand name for E-max crowns, VTE-Vita enamic. Stress at cancellous bone: (a) Ti-MZ, (b) Ti-IPS, (c) PEEK-MZ, (d) PEEK-IPS, (e) PEKK-MZ, (f) PEKK-IPS, (g) VTE-MZ, (h) VTE-IPS. TI: Titanium; MZ: Monolithic zirconia; PEEK: Polyether ether ketone; PEKK: Polyetherketoneketone; Represents IPS e-max- Brand name for E-max crowns, VTE-Vita enamic. Cross section of stress at peripheral bone: (a) Ti-MZ, (b) Ti-IPS, (c) PEEK-MZ, (d) PEEK-IPS, (e) PEKK-MZ, (f) PEKK-IPS, (g) VTE-MZ, (h) VTE-IPS. TI: Titanium; MZ: Monolithic zirconia; PEEK: Polyether ether ketone; PEKK: Polyetherketoneketone; Represents IPS e-max- Brand name for E-max crowns, VTE-Vita enamic.
Stress distribution at abutment
Maximum von Mises stress value was found to be on the neck of abutment in all the models. The highest value of stress was found with Ti abutment, followed by resin-matrix ceramics and least with PEEK material as an abutment
Stress distribution at cortical and cancellous bone
When stresses at peripheral bone were investigated, although there was no significant difference in the values, the maximum value of von Mises stress was found in the model of PEEK abutment with lithium-disilicate crown. The least value of von Mises stress in cortical bone was with Ti abutment
There were more forces on cortical bone as compared to cancellous bone. On observation of cross-sectional of bone for stress evaluation, more stresses were found on the palatal side in all the models irrespective of crown and abutment materials
Stress distribution at crown
Stress distribution for the crown was at the center of the central fossa in each model and change in abutment and prosthetic material did not influence the stresses of each model. The principal stress value was decreased at the buccal and lingual cusp. The maximum principal stress was 73.8 MPa with Ti abutment and lithium-disilicate crowns
Stress at abutment: (a) Ti-MZ, (b) Ti-IPS, (c) PEEK-MZ, (d) PEEK-IPS, (e) PEKK-MZ, (f) PEKK-IPS, (g) VTE-MZ, (h) VTE-IPS. TI: Titanium; MZ: Monolithic zirconia; PEEK: Polyether ether ketone; PEKK: Polyetherketoneketone; Represents IPS e-max- Brand name for E-max crowns, VTE-Vita enamic.
Stress distribution at implant
There were more forces at the neck of the implant in all models. Ti abutment showed a wide distribution of stresses on the implant compared to other abutment materials. There were no changes in the stresses with a change in crown material. Maximum stress was found with PEEK abutment material and least with Ti abutment
Stress at implant: (a) Ti-MZ, (b) Ti-IPS, (c) PEEK-MZ, (d) PEEK-IPS, (e) PEKK-MZ, (f) PEKK-IPS, (g) VTE-MZ, (h) VTE-IPS. TI: Titanium; MZ: Monolithic zirconia; PEEK: Polyether ether ketone; PEKK: Polyetherketoneketone; Represents IPS e-max- Brand name for E-max crowns, VTE-Vita enamic.
The present study was conducted to evaluate the stress analysis with different abutments and prosthetic crown materials. In recent times, finite element plays a prominent role in the assessment of stress in relation to implants.
According to the literature, in implant-supported fixed prosthesis, the maximum occlusal force on the premolar is approximately 200–300 N.
In the present study, cement thickness was ignored as it has already been proved by Hojjatie and Anusavice
On stress analysis with relation to implant, maximum stress value was found with PEEK abutment and minimum with Ti abutment around the neck of implant. Papavasiliou et al.
On the assessment of maximum stress value on peripheral bone, there was no significant difference in stress value in cortical and cancellous bone with different combinations of abutment and restorative crown material. However, the maximum stress value was higher in the cortical bone than cancellous bone. Maximum stress value among different combinations was found with PEEK abutment and lithium-disilicate crown. The least value was observed with Ti abutment and lithium-disilicate crown. In the present study, it was observed that change in abutment material and prosthetic material did not affect much on stress value in the peripheral bone, which was in accordance with previous studies.
The strength of the present study was that recent materials were tested for combinations in implant-supported prostheses through a finite element study. However, there were some limitations of the present study as well, which included that only mandibular single unit implant was taken into consideration and the load was applied in the oblique direction. Although this was a 3D finite element study, it cannot simulate the clinical situation, so clinical studies with follow-up are required.
The following conclusions can be drawn within the limitations of the present study:
Prosthetic crown material does not affect the stresses in peripheral bone and crown in implant-supported prostheses Maximum stresses were found on the neck of the implant body in all the models There was the least stress on the implant with Ti as an abutment material, while on abutment least stress was caused by PEEK abutment material.
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Conflicts of interest
The authors of this manuscript declare that they have no conflicts of interest, real or perceived, financial or non-financial in this article.