Mapping global research in dental pulp regeneration: A 10‑year bibliometric analysis

Yeganeh‑Sadat Mostafavi, Pedram Iranmanesh, Abbasali Khademi, Raheleh Mehrabi, Fatemeh Sheikhshoaei, Masoud Mohammadi


Background: Dental pulp regeneration aims to restore the function and vitality of the dental
pulp, which is the soft tissue inside the tooth. Research in this field is effective in trying to improve
clinical practices and procedures. This study aimed to analyze the literature related to dental pulp
regeneration and to create a documented research perspective for this field.
Materials and Methods: This bibliometric study analyzes the research outputs of the subject
area of dental pulp regeneration indexed in the Web of Science database between 2013 and 2023.
SciMAT software was used to visualize and predict the trends in research on the topic.
Results: In general, it has been observed that the stem cell cluster consistently had the highest
number of articles across all periods. As we progressed through time, the significance of this cluster
continued to grow, eventually becoming a crucial component in the motor theme during the last
period. In addition, a significant portion of the studies conducted during different periods focused
on identifying suitable materials for scaffold formation. Various materials, including polymers and
bioactive glasses, were proposed as viable options for scaffold formation in different periods.
Conclusion: Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), scaffold networks, growth factors, and regulatory
factors are the three main factors that influence dental pulp regeneration. By analyzing maps and
thematic clusters in dental pulp regeneration research, as well as considering indicators such as
repetition frequency, centrality, and citation of these clusters, researchers can identify the strengths,
weaknesses, and gaps in current research.
Key Words: Bibliographic network, dental pulp regeneration, science in literature,
scientometric, SciMAT




Masoud MohammadiPubmed,Google Scholar

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