Author Details

Khozeimeh, Faezeh

  • Vol 11, No 2 (2014) - Original Article(s)
    A comparative study of Candida albicans mean colony counts and blood group antigens in the saliva of healthy subjects
    Abstract  PDF  xml
  • Vol 12, No 3 (2015) - Original Article(s)
    Comparative evaluation of low-level laser and systemic steroid therapy in adjuvant-enhanced arthritis of rat temporomandibular joint: A histological study
    Abstract  XML  PDF
  • Vol 13, No 5 (2016) - Original Article(s)
    Serum level of Interleukin‑8 in subjects with diabetes, diabetes plus oral lichen planus, and oral lichen planus: A biochemical study
    Abstract  PDF  xml
  • Vol 14, No 4 (2017) - Original Article(s)
    Determination of salivary urea and uric acid of patients with halitosis
    Abstract  PDF  xml
  • Vol 17, No 3 (2020) - Original Article(s)
    Inhibitory effects of ethanolic, methanolic, and hydroalcoholic extracts of olive (Olea europaea) leaf on growth, acid production, and adhesion of Streptococcus mutans
    Abstract  PDF  xml
  • Vol 18, No 1 (2021): January-February - Original Article(s)
    Oral manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease: A cross‑sectional study in Isfahan
    Abstract  PDF  xml
  • Vol 19, No 7 (2022): Agust - Original Article(s)
    Effect of nystatin and licorice on yeasts isolated from the oral lesions of patients with cancer under chemotherapy (in vitro study)
    Abstract  PDF  xml
  • Vol 19, No 11 (2022): November - Original Article(s)
    Comparison of the antifungal effect of voriconazole and fluconazole on oral candidiasis before and during radiotherapy
    Abstract  PDF  xml
  • Vol 20, No 5 (2023): May - Original Article(s)
    Comparison of oral candidiasis characteristics in head‑and‑neck cancer patients before and during radiotherapy
    Abstract  PDF  xml
  • Vol 20, No 7 (2023): July 2023 - Original Article(s)
    Evaluation and comparison of antifungal effect of voriconazole with nystatin on candida species derived from neoplastic patients undergoing maxillofacial radiotherapy
    Abstract  PDF  xml