A tribute to Professor Seyyed Behrouz Mousavi D.D.S, MSc, Endodontist

Vajihesadat Mortazavi


It is an unfortunate event in the world of dental
sciences, as dentistry has now lost one of its most
eminent and respected icons. Professor Seyyed Behrouz
Mousavi passed away on 23 June 2011 following a
sudden episode of cerebrovascular accident.
Respected Dr. Mousavi was a Professor of Endodontics,
and the Chairman of the Torabinejad Dental Research
Center at the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences,
of which he was one of the main founders. He also
held the license to the fi rst English dental journal in
Iran, the Dental Research Journal (DRJ). He reigned
as the dean of Isfahan Dental School from 1988 to
1997. It was under his exemplary guidance, that the
Isfahan School of Dentistry grew into one of the most
respected sites for dental training in Iran.
Professor Mousavi became the chairman of the
Isfahan School of Dentistry Endodontic Department
during the period of 1985-1988, and held the position
of the president of the Iranian board of Endodontics
from 1988. He has been honored by numerous
national and international organizations for his
contribution to Endodontic education and research.
Another feather in his cap was being the head of the
Isfahan Dental School Technical Committee on Stem
Cell Research.
Those of us who were fortunate to meet him came
away greatly impressed with his genuine and humble
nature. A man of his stature and importance and
having his down to earth mannerisms, is indeed a rare
combination to see!
Professor S. Behrouz Mousavi has trained, mentored
and befriended many Endodontists and researchers
worldwide. He has added to the scope, knowledge and
image of research more than one can imagine, gifting
us with invaluable contributions and novel methods
in his fi eld. He endeared himself to us all, and his
presence will be greatly missed in every forward step
that we take.
Farewell Dear Professor S.B. Mousavi

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