Vol 17, No 6 (2020)

Table of Contents

Review Article(s)

Dental team and infection control for the COVID‑19: (A short review of the current guidelines)
Nakisa Torabinia , Firoozeh Nilchian , Seyed Mohhamad Razavi
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Original Article(s)

Fracture resistance of pulpotomized and composite‑restored primary molars: Incremental versus bulk‑fill techniques
Masoud Fallahinejad Ghajari , Amir Ghasemi , Arash Yousefi Moradi , Khashayar Sanjari
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Resistance to fracture of endodontically treated teeth: Influence of the post systems and cements
Luanne Mara Rodrigues De Matos , Lucas Portela Oliveira , Aryvelto Miranda Silva , Jessica Katarine De Abreu Silva
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Comparative study of different cytotoxicity of bonding systems with different dentin thickness on L929 cell line: An experimental study
Ehsan Baradaran Nasseri , Ali Eskandarizadeh
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Effects of three commercial toothpastes incorporating “chitosan, casein phosphopeptide‑amorphous calcium phosphate, sodium monofluorophosphate, and sodium fluoride” on remineralization of incipient enamel caries in the primary dentition: A preliminary in
Leila Basir , Raziye Meshki , Hilda Aghababa , Vahid Rakhshan
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Evaluation of reverse torque values and failure loads of three different abutment designs with internal connections
Saied Nokar , Habib Hajimiragha , Leyla Sadighpour , Azam Sadat Mostafavi
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Effect of irrigation solutions on the coronal discoloration induced by mineral trioxide aggregate cements containing different radiopacifiers
Noushin Shokouhinejad , Marzieh Alikhasi , Mehrfam Khoshkhounejad , Asma Pirmoazen
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Comparison of routine and microwave‑assisted decalcification of bone with or without teeth: A histologic study
Niloofar Hajihoseini , Gita Rezvani , Shahroo Etemad‑Moghadam
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Salivary peptide human neutrophil defensin1–3 and its relationship with early childhood caries
Trophimus Gnanabagyan Jayakaran , C. Vishnu Rekha , Sankar Annamalai , Parisa Norouzi Baghkomeh
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Is there a change in the mandibular cortical shape index in panoramic radiographs over time? A longitudinal retrospective study
Ahmed Al‑Dam , Yassir Haydar , Ashkan Rashad
Abstract (

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